Discover Our Top Recommended Supplements From CNP Nutrition

CNP is a brand you know you can trust when it comes to protein products. As one of the original British protein brands to affirm themselves in the body-building market, they have been operating since 1998; in that time, they have perfected the art of making protein products. 

Today we will take you through some of CNPs best products and explore their many ranges, including their newer protein snack ranges that have become industry-leading products. With a huge customer base and all CNP's best products on offer at Discount Supplements, read on to learn more about this trusted protein supplement company.  

Table of Contents

  • What is CNP nutrition?
  • CNP protein
  • CNP protein powder
  • Protein bars and snacks
  • Sports Supplements

What is CNP nutrition?

CNP has been in the industry for a long time; they aim to help you reach your fitness goals, whether powering you through your next session or helping you keep on top of your nutritional needs. Ever since they were founded in 1998, this goal has not changed.

In 2018 the company rebranded, intending to target a younger audience which is noticeable in the product range from the use of bright colours and big, eye-catching letters to grab attention. 

CNP makes its products as effective and as great tasting as possible; they use only high-end formulas provided to them by athletes to make their protein supplements, meaning you get products made for athletes at very affordable prices.

CNP protein

Now let's dive into looking at some of CNPs' best products. We’ve divided them into three categories; protein powder, protein bars and snacks, and sports supplements.

CNP protein powder

When it comes to protein powder, CNP has perfected the art; their whey protein powder is a blend of whey protein concentrate, milk protein concentrate and skimmed milk powder. The whey powder has been formulated to improve the taste and texture to rival any other. 

Being high in BCAAs and L-glutamine, it will help restore your amino acids that get depleted during a workout back to your pre-workout levels. CNPs whey protein must only be mixed with water to make a great-tasting protein shake.

A large tub of protein powder with a scoop

Another option is CNP Peptide Protein; this protein contains amino acids and peptides to ensure maximum protein absorption. This protein powder is high in protein and low in calories whilst being high quality and tasting great. 

Protein bars and snacks

CNP has a great range of CNP protein bars; their flapjacks are an industry leader and are available in many great  flavours, including chocolate, lemon meringue, chocolate orange and cherry almond.  

CNP protein flapjacks are high in protein, non-GMO and great tasting; they are also vegetarian-friendly and perfect for eating on the go or when you just need a quick protein hit and some long-lasting energy. 

CNPs protein bar snacks are soft-baked and taste great, so they are a must-try for anyone interested in protein supplements. Because they are affordable, you can have them on standby when needed. 

CNP flapjacks come in the CNP Starter Stack, which also contains CNP Whey protein powder, some of their loaded EAA formula and a bag of creatine powder. It is the perfect package for new starters, as you will get a taste of all you need when starting your journey. 

Sports Supplements

A close up of a runner's chest, he's holding a protein bar and a water

We have covered CNP's protein powder range and their protein bars and snacks, so now, let's look at their sports supplements. We've already discussed their protein powders, so let's look at their creatine and multivitamin capsules in more depth. 

CNPs creatine powder is a supplement that can be used alongside your diet to increase your power and performance when in the gym. The creatine can be mixed in with your protein shake, and it comes with many benefits; aside from improving performance, the creatine will also give you more energy throughout your workout and enhance muscular effort. 

We also have CNP creatine capsules. The capsules are a fast-working supplement allowing  you to absorb the creatine ethyl ester rapidly; the capsules allow you increased physical performance in short bursts that can support high-intensity exercise. 

To get the most from the capsules, it is recommended that you take eight tablets daily which will improve muscle tone and strength when you work out.

A man takes a scoop of protein for his shaker

Shop CNP Nutrition at Discount Supplements

So now we have covered the best CNP products available at Discount Supplements; browse our entire range, as we have much more on offer.  As the demand for supplements grows, it can be hard to find a brand you can trust; CNP products are all industry-leading, and have thousands of glowing reviews. 

The CNP Nutrition products offered at Discount Supplements have everything you could need. Whether you are just starting or have been working out for years, we have everything you'll need, from starter kits and supplements to protein bars to keep you fired up during the most gruelling workout.

With CNP being one of the original companies in the supplements industry, you can trust them to deliver the highest quality supplements. With free GB shipping, when you spend £70, you can stock up on CNP products from Discount Supplements. 

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